Sometimes you just know you are in the right place with the right people at the right time. Our recent workshop series on sustaining self-directed support was a great example, so we’ve written a special report to share the learning.

From the very start, we knew we were in the room with super clever, ultra-dedicated people. So, rather than ‘just’ deliver the workshops, we captured and collated all our ideas and mutual learning. You can download the report here (you’ll recognise some of the ideas in our new Implementation Guide too).

The programme itself was special, with an initial launch session where people identified what they wanted to learn (and what they could teach others) about each of the four sustainability capabilities. After a full day workshop on each of the capabilities, we concluded with an exit workshop, developing action plans and exit strategies. Having a full programme like this, bookended as it was, allowed us to give sufficient time and depth to each topic. This in turn led to lasting, supportive relationships between peers.

The report is our way of saying thank you (you can thank us later, as they say)!