Welcome to the home of the

renowned Lasting Difference and

Lasting Leadership Guides.


Our free guides and the consultancy practice we base them on aim to be:

  • Clear: Easy to understand and use, with straightforward ideas for action.
  • Practical: Grounded in practice, with tried and tested tools and templates.
  • Provocative: Reframing your key challenges with new definitions and fresh perspectives.
  • Powerful: Transforming the way you think about – and run – your organisation.
  • Relevant: Suitable for projects or organisations, large or small, in any part of the non-profit world.
Please note: I’m usually booked up 3-6 months in advance, so if you’d like to enquire about working together please check your vision fits with our strategic plan then give me a shout.
Cover page of the Lasting Difference toolkit
The Lasting Difference® is the go-to guide for sustaining non-profit organisations, used by over 7000 non-profit organisations worldwide. Trusted by charities, social enterprises, funders, commissioners and policy makers since 2016, it’s now in its fifth edition. Find out more and download your free, interactive PDF copy here.

Lasting Leadership® defines and demystifies sustainable leadership. Made up of four guides focusing on succession planning, lateral leadership, equalities, and self-care, it addresses the key issues of the day. Perfect for managers, trustees and anyone wanting to develop leadership capacity. Your writeable PDF copies await!

New to sustainability?.. Start here

The Lasting Difference

Graeme Reekie, author of the Lasting Difference resource, explains where the ideas and toolkit originated, and some of the principles that underpin it.

The paradox of change

Sustainability isn’t easy. The challenges are complex and often paradoxical – more of one thing often means less of something else. First up, the paradox of change: only by changing can we stay the same.

The octopus paradox

If sustainability requires us to change and develop, can we do this without getting pulled out of shape? There are good reasons many organisations are octopus-shaped, as Graeme explains in this short clip.

The yes/no paradox

We often say ‘yes’ to things because we think they will help us survive. Yet most organisations have sustainability challenges because of saying yes, not in spite of it.

The efficiency paradox

To be sustainable, organisations must be efficient. But if they are too efficient, they won’t have the spare capacity, resources or headspace to be sustainable.

‘Lasting Leadership’ overview

A 15-minute presentation on Lasting Leadership®, the guide to non-profit sustainable leadership. Shorter, specific clips are available on the dedicated Lasting Leadership page.

Pilgrim – possibly. Progress – definitely.

‘When people go on pilgrimage, they take a break from the everyday. They consciously leave much behind. They flee the hustle and bustle, travelling mostly by foot, opening themselves to new encounters and conversations.’ (Village notice board, Franconia)   I’m...

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Guided by the Stars – our updated strategy

‘Strategy’ and ‘strategic plan’ are often used synonymously. However there's a difference between them and it helps to be clear on what that is. To paraphrase the rapper KRS-ONE*, a plan is something you have, a strategy is something you live.   Definitions: why...

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Survival and sustainability – HomeStart case study

Making a Lasting Difference programme for the Home-Start federation I've been asked recently to describe a bit more fully how I work. This case study is a fairly typical example of how I work with membership organisations and funders to build their partners' capacity...

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Sustaining change – learning from practice

Every two years we invite inspiring people and partners to join us for a tranquil three-day residential. We share gifts and challenges in a relaxed, trusting environment. This year the focus was on sustaining change. What have we learned from the scale and pace of...

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Sowing seeds for sustainability

Sowing seeds for sustainability This case study shares learning from a recent workshop programme, building sector sustainability with a focus on equalities. Carers Trust is a major UK charity improving support, services and recognition for unpaid carers. With 122...

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Championing voices with ‘Stop it Now!’

We are all part of the system Lasting Difference symbol holder, Stop it Now! Scotland have been developing creative ways to lead system change by championing voices and creating opportunities for collaboration. After all, the sustainability challenges that face our...

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Contact: Graeme Reekie

01506 23 95 95 – info@thelastingdifference.com

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