Pilgrim – possibly. Progress – definitely.

‘When people go on pilgrimage, they take a break from the everyday. They consciously leave much behind. They flee the hustle and bustle, travelling mostly by foot, opening themselves to new encounters and conversations.’ (Village notice board, Franconia)   I’m...

Sowing seeds for sustainability

Sowing seeds for sustainability This case study shares learning from a recent workshop programme, building sector sustainability with a focus on equalities. Carers Trust is a major UK charity improving support, services and recognition for unpaid carers. With 122...

Same storm, different boats

Case study: Sustainable mental health for all The pandemic has had a negative impact on the mental health of people all over the country. But people who already experience inequality have been far more adversely affected. That’s why Mental Health Foundation have...

Feeling summary?

Everyone is busy. But no-one is too busy for our quick read summaries! We began adding 50 word executive summaries to our guides a while ago. We know people are busy and don’t always have the time to work through a 50 page guide. Even when they know it will...