Buy in – or ownership?

Organisational leaders dream of everyone ‘buying into’ their plans. Wouldn’t it be nice if your colleagues just assumed responsibility and accountability, without being told? But what does it mean in practice? Are you really ready for it? It took me...

Our survey says…

This summer we revisited our 2017 research about the ways people use Lasting Difference resources. Once again, a great response and lots of learning! 53 people shared views in an online survey, and 16 one-to-one interviews took place. We’ll publish the full report...

The year for Lasting Leadership

Well if there was ever a year for a sustainable leadership guide, it was this one! When we launched the Lasting Leadership® guide in February, we knew it was timely. But we couldn’t have known how big its themes would become in 2020.   It focuses on...

Who knew? Your guide to managing knowledge better

You know when you study something because it’s interesting, but you’re not sure how relevant it will be? That’s how I felt about knowledge management when I did it as a postgrad back in 2010. At the same time, I had seen that management school...